Swimming the Sprint 8 Workout


This newsletter contains three ways to accomplish the Ready, Set, Go - Sprint 8 Workout in the pool. This information is provided by Bill Lauer, former University of Tennessee Prof. and Assoc. Dean at the School of Architecture. Bill uses these workouts to prepare for Senior Games competition.

Swim Sprint 8 Workout #1

8 sets
75 yds. moderate free style on 1:30
50 yds. free, build the tempo on 1:00
25 yds. free, sprint on :30

Swim Workout #2

This set is done in a 25 yard pool with swim fins on.
One set consists of the following:

a 25 yd. underwater kick and a 25 yd swim sprint (total of 50 yds.) on 1:10. a 50 yd. easy swim (with fins) on 1:10.

Repeat the above set seven more times, progressively getting faster on the 25 yd. swim sprint.

In addition to the two previous Sprint 8's, I am sending a couple more along with variations which allow for different skill levels.

Swim Workout #3

Bill calls this workout the"Double Descend" series.

(A) Basic version:
75 yds. easy freestyle on 2:00
3 x 25 yds freestyle on :40 begin at moderate pace and descend 1 to 3. Don't start out too fast or you won't be able to properly "double descend".

75 yds. easy freestyle on 2:00
3 x 25 yds freestyle on :40 these 3 are swum faster than the first three i.e., #4 faster that #1, #5 faster than #2,
and #6 faster than #3.

75 yds. easy freestyle on 2:00
3 x 25 yds freestyle on :40 these 3 are swum faster than the previous three, with #7 faster than #4, etc.

75 yds. easy freestyle on 2:00
3 x 25 yds freestyle on :40 these 3 are swum faster than the previous three, with #10 faster than #7, etc.

(B) Intermediate version:

Same as above but the easy freestyles are 125 yds. on 2:30 and the 3 x 25 yds. are 1 breaststroke, 1 backstroke, and 1 butterfly. Within the set of 3, the back is swum faster than the breast and the fly faster than the back.
Again, each successive set of breast, back and fly is faster than the previous set. Can substitute free for fly if not a reasonable butterflyer.

(C) Advanced version:

Same theory as (B) except the easy freestyles are 200 yds. on 3:30 followed by 3 x 50 yds. on 1:10. The 50's can be all freestyle or one each of breast,back and fly.

4. The "Breathe Down" series. A good anaerobic set.

(A) Basic

8 x 25 yds. free on 1:00 with following breathing pattern:
#1 take 7 breaths
#2 take 6 breaths
#3 take 5 breaths
#4 take 4 breaths
#5 take 3 breaths
#6 take 2 breaths
#7 take 1 breath
#8 zero breaths

(B) Intermediate - on 1:00

8 x 25 yds., odd numbers are swum freestyle and even numbers are fly:
#1 - free in 3 breaths
#2 - fly in 3 breaths
#3 - free in 2 breaths
#4 - fly in 2 breaths
#5 - free in 1 breath
#6 - fly in 1 breath
#7 - free in zero breaths
#8 - fly in zero breaths

(C) Advanced - on 1:00

8 x 25 yds., odd numbers are swum freestyle and even numbers are fly. Do all eight without breathing. Important to have a good warm-up and perhaps do a few "breathe downs" to get acclimated before doing this set.

The Senior Games offers many events, and one just right for you. For more Senior Games information click www.nsga.com

Have a great day!


Phil Campbell, M.S., M.A., FACHE
Author Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness for Time-Crunched Adults


2nd Edition of Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness now available here

Order an autographed copy on-line or - toll free 1 866 565-3311

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National Library of Medicine links to research:

"the GH secretory response to exercise is related to exercise intensity in a linear dose-response pattern."

"GH secretory response to exercise is related to exercise intensity" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=

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NOTE: The purpose of this newsletter is to expand thinking about fitness as an informational source for readers, and is not medical advice. Before attempting the Synergy Fitness program, the Sprint 8 Workout, or any high-intensity exercise program, consult your physician. This is not just a liability warning; it's wise to have a baseline medical exam before beginning a fitness program. Make your physician a partner in your fitness improvement plan.

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