Women - cut bodyfat
with exercise-induced growth hormone

It's easier & quicker than you think

by Phil Campbell, M.S., M.S., FACHE



A new study published by the National Institutes of Health pulls together a body of previous studies and makes it clear that women should be doing anaerobic exercise - high-intensity wind sprints rather than standard, long, slow cardio.

Anaerobic sprinting types of exercise - running, cycling, swimming, cross country skiing - are shown by medical researchers to make the body produce significant amounts of anti-aging growth hormone.

It's no secret that several well-known entertainers take growth hormone (GH) injections for its body fat cutting, muscle toning, youth rejuvenating properties, but there can be serious side-effects from GH injections.

Unquestionably "natural," home-made, and free

Natural is always best. And producing growth hormone from high-intensity exercise is unquestionably "natural."

Growth hormone injections are given to children with clinical stature growth problems to help them grow normally. Growth hormone does not make adults grow taller." For middle-age adults, GH can reverse several measurable clinical factors of the middle-age bulge - officially named "the somatopause" by researchers.

The middle-age somatopause is signified by energy decline, weight-gain (around the middle, and hips), loss of muscle, and wrinkled skin after the age of 30.

Researchers report;

"Aging is often associated with a progressive decrease in the volume and, especially, the intensity of exercise. A growing body of evidence suggests that higher intensity exercise is effective in eliciting beneficial health, well-being and training outcomes. In a great many cases, the impact of some of the deleterious effects of aging could be reduced if exercise focused on promoting exercise produced growth hormone." ("The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes," Godfrey, Sports Med. 2003;33(8):599-613.2003)

Do women get the same benefit as men from high-intensity exercise?
Women get a better response

Researchers show that women actually get a slightly better growth hormone response from high-intensity exercise than men.

Researchers from the University of Virginia Clinical Research Center conclude; "Gender comparisons revealed that women had greater production rate, and a trend for a greater mass of GH secreted per pulse than men," (Gender governs the relationship between exercise intensity and growth hormone release in young adults, 2002, Pritzlaff-Roy).

Since researchers show that HGH growth hormone releasing exercise occurs in a linear dose-response to high-intensity training, you should evaluate your current fitness program and ask the question, "Am I really training hard, or am I just going through the motions."


You want the truth?... asks Jack Nicholson
You can't handle the truth

Can you handle the truth about fitness training?

New studies show that being overweight causes cancer. The researchers aren't talking just about obesity; they mean obesity and being "medically overweight."

Being overweight now accounts for 14 to 20% of deaths by cancer, report researchers in a major new study, ("Overweight, obesity, and mortality from cancer in a prospectively studied cohort of US adults," 2003, Calle).

This wasn't a small, out-of-context study conducted over a few months. Over 900,000 adults were studied for 16 years. Researchers estimate that more than 90,000 cancer deaths each year could be avoided if every American maintained a healthy weight:

"We estimate that current patterns of overweight and obesity in the U.S. could account for 14 percent of all deaths from cancer in men and 20 percent of those in women."

The study also shows that the risk of dying from cancer - caused from being overweight - is 52% greater than men of normal weight. The risk for women is even higher. Women who are overweight have 62% higher chance of getting cancer than women of normal weight. This is all the more reason to start and maintain a lifestyle that makes fitness training a priority.

Long, slow, and boring - No Way!

Long & slow forms of cardio - like walking - are great ways to begin for someone who is inactive. But don't be misled. The research is clear. This form of exercise doesn't compare to the benefits of anaerobic exercise. We're talking about the difference between kindergarten and college.

Low-intensity exercise is absolutely necessary as a starting point, but it needs to be the starting point and a stepping stone that leads to moderate-intensity exercise, which in turn, needs to be a stepping stone for high-intensity anaerobic exercise.

Low-intensity does not prevent death from heart disease

For years, the gold standard for exercise was 30 minutes of activity a day. And walking for 30 minutes a day was said to be adequate enough to delay heart disease and premature death. Not true, report researchers.

A new study of 2,000 men over 10 years destroys the low-intensity, walking standard. Researchers show that low-intensity does nothing to prevent death from heart disease.

Nearly 2,000 men, ages 45 to 59, were tracked for 10 years. Initially, none of the men had any evidence of heart disease. Exercise was performed and measured by three levels of intensity; low, moderate, and high.

Low-intensity included walking & bowling. Golf & dancing qualified as moderate-intensity. Running & swimming were placed in the high-intensity category.

Of the 252 deaths that occurred during the 10 year study, 75% were linked to heart disease and stroke. And cancer accounted for 25%.

Conclusion: Walking 30-minutes five times a week is not enough to prevent early death from heart disease. Moderate-intensity also failed to reduce premature deaths.

Only the highest levels of exercise intensity lowered death rates.

Solution - add anaerobic exercise…wisely

Be wise. Don't read this and go run a 200 meter sprint full speed. Pulling a hamstring or killing yourself to improve fitness misses the point.

Anaerobic exercise is the most productive form of exercise, and it should be a part of every fitness routine. However, anaerobic exercise is also the most dangerous form of exercise. Physician clearance is a must.

A progressive build-up program - from low, to moderate, to high-intensity - is necessary. The progressive build-up will help prevent injury, and it will condition and develop the body so you can receive all the benefits from increasing exercise-induced growth hormone.

More info on how to increase exercise-induced growth hormone www.readysetgofitness.com

Part Two

Workouts designed unleash the most powerful body fat cutting,
muscle toning, anti-aging substance known in science!

Exciting new discoveries by biomedical researchers in the areas of health and anti-aging have begun to usher in a new paradigm in fitness training.

Research shows that high-intensity, anaerobic workouts that include the short-burst, get-you-out-of-breath, sprinting types of exercise, will make your body release significant amounts of the most powerful "fitness hormone" in your body -- the growth hormone, or HGH. (Impact of acute exercise intensity on pulsatile growth hormone release in men, 2000, Pritzlaff).

Short, Fast & Anaerobic

Researchers show that HGH can be increased by as much as 530 percent through sprinting activities. Anaerobic sprint workouts can be done in many different ways -- running, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, even power walking. If your favorite cardio machine -- stepper, elliptical, cycle or treadmill -- will get you out of breath by pumping hard and fast, it will get the job done!

Sprint 8 Workout

The basic workout is the Sprint 8 Workout, which is performed by running.

After a 10-minute warm up that includes some 30-second stretch-hold positions for the hamstrings and Achilles, begin the first of eight 60-meter (70-yard) sprints. You can mark off 70 yards on a 100-yard football field or track or just sprint mailbox to mailbox.

Sprinting doesn't mean running "all out." It means running hard enough to get you out of breath on each sprint. The first sprint should be at 30 percent speed (a little faster than jogging). During the sprint, progressively move toward 50 percent speed/intensity. On the second sprint, start at 35 percent speed and progressively move toward 55 percent speed. To avoid injury, it's important to spend at least 10 yards slowing down.

After each sprint, walk -- don't jog -- back to the starting line. Walking enables you to recover so you can put more intensity into the next sprint. Spend at least 1.5 minutes (but no more than two minutes) walking and recovering between each sprint.

Whatever you do, don't do this!

Don't start with a hard, all-out sprint. While anaerobic fitness training is clearly the most productive type of training, it's also the most dangerous. Hamstring pulls are a primary target. Anyone with a heart condition or medical problem should get a physician's clearance before performing anaerobic exercise. Even young athletes should progressively ease into sprinting workouts. It takes at least eight weeks to progressively build your fast-twitch muscle fiber.

The goal is to go hard enough and fast enough (without pulling anything) to get totally out of breath on each sprint. If it takes more than 30 seconds to get out of breath, you'll need to find a way to raise the intensity.

Cycling Sprint 8 Workout

The Sprint 8 Workout can be performed by cycling outside or at the gym. The recumbent bike is a favorite for those with bad knees and back problems.
When you ride something that supports your body weight, it typically lessens the intensity. You'll need to ride just a little longer than if you were running. However, if your sprint lasts more than 30 seconds, the intensity level needs to be increased or you may miss the anaerobic threshold. For example, pedaling 20 to 30 seconds on a recumbent bike is equal to running 70 yards in sprints in 8 to 12 seconds.

Pool Sprint 8 Workout

Swimming hard and fast for 25 meters, then swimming easily for 25 meters, is similar to running the Sprint 8 workout. Make every swim sprint a little more intense than the previous one.

Cross-country Skiing Sprint 8 Workout

Whether you're cross-country skiing in the mountains or in your gym on an elliptical trainer, the same principles apply -- high action sprinting for 30 seconds followed by an easy pace for 1.5 minutes.

Power Walking Sprint 8 Workout

Power walking can also enable you to reach the anaerobic threshold. Walk hard and fast for 30 seconds with long strides and animated arm swings. Carrying weights will help add intensity. If you find that 30 seconds of hard walking does not get you winded, raise the elevation.

Reminder: With all the Sprint 8 Workouts, you'll want to work hard and fast for the sprint part, then go easy during the 1.5 to two minutes of recovery.

Don't Throw Away the Yoga Mat

Improving flexibility though stretching and other less intense forms of exercise will not release HGH. However, you'll need flexibility and strength to perform your anaerobic workouts. So don't throw away the yoga mat or stop weight-training. Simply add an anaerobic Sprint 8 Workout to your fitness plan. You'll unleash the most powerful body-fat-cutting, muscle-toning, anti-middle-aging substance known in science!


National Institutes of Health Research links cited in article:
Research Summary 1
Summary 2
Summary 3
Summary 4

© Phil Campbell, author of Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness


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Phil Campbell is the author of "Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness for Time-Crunched Adults"
Pristine Publishers Inc. USA




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